Monday, August 13, 2007

No Other Way! by Princewill Webber

I have walked along the paths of life
Where pleasures and beauty lie,
In search of the way,
Thinking there’s the way,
But none seems to be satisfying.

Many ways there are which I see
Compelling multitude into the dungeon
With promise of solace
But disappointment was their lot.
It is only but a shadow.

I have trod into courts of many witnesses
Publishing and propagating the way,
Fables and delusion is the Godspeed
Many appeared to saints, even angels;
Now ‘tis true the true way has ‘vaporated them.

As I look around the globe,
Despair and disappointment
Fill this poor contempt heart;
Is there none that knows the way?
This, my daily meditation.

A glowworm there is at poles of the earth,
But how illuminate it the earth’s globe
When all being has fallen from the track
Being critical, skeptical about the true way.

Oh! How I desire to walk the true way
Where many bliss there are ahead.
It all appears to be a farce.
What then can I do?

I know there is a city above the hilltops;
I will strive, strive and strive;
Though there be no other way
There yet is a way, cross’s way through Jesus;
This will lead me home.

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