Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The raised bough over others
Some deem spread the beam,
Seldom their state ponder
Nor ever in soberness wonder
At higher plains the quarry strings.

Mocking canticles, sneering poetry;
The wageless devotion.
Found’ring canoe, the end
Of the water-beating spree,
Yet rides the canoe upstream un-let.

Antagonist of no theater,
When shall the script fulfill?
When shall thine act denoue?
That elated pews may tell tales
In the bosom of eerie nights
When lovers play age-old games.

Sweat-blood avails naught;
Seamless strivings vainly vain;
Crow or not, dawn sets like Sun;
Crawling shells denting progress paths;
Divine destination approaches;
Pregnant energies in wastelands;
When shall wisdom be your guest?

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