Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wasting Youth!

Violence treads lawns lined with infatuated fans;
Trappings of terror as garlands of beauty;
The upper hand, the frightened face, the fleeing feet
4 Fanning embers of debased heroism:
Youth drenched in false notions!
Who saves this ensuing generation?
Should this distraction of mind thrive
At expense of innocent tomorrows?
9 Pregnant potentials at hell’s disposal;
Human spectrum sags beneath burden of vicious vice;
The taming rein lost in materialistic transit.
With recipe of rectitude lacking on the menu,
The conjecture the hobby and trepidation
14 Our disconsolate companion in this unveiling act.
Soul-cries in tandem with decomposing youth;
What hope abides this wasting youth?

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