Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dance of the Masquerade!

Saturation of the square with false steps,
Deviating determined drumbeats delineating homesteads,
‘Tis the transient daylight dance nonetheless;
Night tells another story!
5 Sepulchers from time held handsome relics;
Even the parished cemetery held perfumed bowels;
Barefaced mendacity, daylight truth-robberies
Shimmering on mental interfaces.
Pseudo-intellectuals, fake-professionals, mirage-millionaires
10 Holding hostage multitudes of innocent gullibles.
Spare a thought for worshippers at altars
Of confidence and reverence and deference,
Else when drums domicile our masquerade
And emptiness adorns the playground,
15 As dancers hang up fatigued paraphernalia,
Life resumed will unmask hidden faces.
The horned displays of our masquerade
Abides only a fleeting flare.
Masquerades may charm our sights
20 When minds are at large and dreamy and languid,
But regarb sober appraisals
When beaded feet aids memories of encountered sights;
What more, fingers and feet seldom fly kites.
Even I may choose not to play the play!

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